Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Netty, HttpAsyncClient and HttpClient Performance Comparison

I was searching for performance comparison of popular asynchronous HTTP clients, namely Netty, Apache's HttpAsyncClient and blocking I/O HttpClient with thread pool. The research is not just for pure comparison, but also to find the sweet spot of each type of the clients. 


This is an interesting post. Unfortunately, the comparison is based on file downloading, which is not exactly what most web services are built for. So I decided to run my own analysis based on typical client interactions with RESTful services, where the client sends a request and the server replies with a reasonable size of payload.

Clients compared

  • Netty 4.0.8 (no connection pool)
  • Apache HttpAsyncClient 4.0-beta4 (with connecton pool enabled)
  • Apache HttpClient 4.3 (with connection pool enabled)

Test Setup

On the server side, a cluster of servers are set up in Amazon EC2 cloud. They all serve relatively static content where the only variation is size of the payload which is controllable from client's query parameter. Each server runs a Tomcat application with 300 threads.

The client runs on my laptop, which is a Macbook Pro (2.4Ghz Intel Core i7) running JVM 1.6.0_51 with 2G bytes heap size. Different request batch sizes are tested. Each batch sends all requests in a loop and is run several times without JVM shutdown. The test result for one batch size is the average of all runs. The data from first run of a batch is ignored as it usually includes JVM, thread pool and connections warm up.


Three metrics are collected or calculated from the test.&nbsp
  • Time needed to send all requests. For thread pool based blocking client, a request is deemed as sent when it is dequeued from thread pool and handed off to the client. For Netty, a request is deemed as sent when the ChannelFuture is obtained. For Apache HttpAsyncClient, a request is deemed as sent when the Future<HttpResposne> object is obtained.
  • Average latency. For NIO clients, a timer is started when a request is handed off to the client. For HttpClient, the timer is started when a request is enqueued to the thread pool. The timer is stopped when the full HTTP response is received.This time is accumulated for all requests and used to calculate the average.
  • Throughput. This is simply the size of batch divided by the time to sent.


 Average latency (ms)

Batch size 100 500 1000 5000
Apache HttpAsyncClient 318 772 1090 5096
Netty 408 1010 1629 5433
HttpClient with 50 threads 227 733 1342 6792
HttpClient with 200 threads 183 477 850 3509
HttpClient with 300 threads 293 502 1010 4125

It is interesting to observe that the best latency is achieved by a blocking I/O client with reasonable size of thread pool. This is perhaps due to the fact that each socket gets a dedicated thread in blocking I/O while in NIO, only a handful of selectors need to poll hundreds of even thousands or sockets. On the other hand, as the size of thread pool increases, the latency gets worse.

The HttpAsyncClient has better latency compared with Netty because it has built-in connection pool support.

Throughput (requests per second)

Batch size 100 500 1000 5000
Apache HttpAsyncClient 2797 4629 5031 19569
Netty 3278 6872 10126 10460
HttpClient with 50 threads 353 404 401 370
HttpClient with 200 threads 5194 705 720 741
HttpClient with 300 threads 5882 715 603 642

Here, the NIO clients have a clear edge over blocking client. They can achieve 10 times better throughput than the blocking HttpClient.


I believe the performance advantage of NIO clients is on the throughput side. If your service requires a client throughput of over 1000 rps, consider using NIO client to avoid bottleneck. On the other hand, if the service only requires a couple hundred rps, using blocking HttpClient with reasonable size of thread pool is manageable and will get you better latency.

HttpAsyncClient enjoys the benefit of a built-in connection pool. This proves to be crucial when the clients have to deal with thousands of concurrent requests. However, note that this is just a comparison of HTTP clients with relatively simple use cases, and Netty clearly have a wider support of protocols.

Further discussion and correction


After the publishing blog, I had a discussion with Apache HttpClient development lead Oleg Kalnichevski, who pointed to me that the throughput comparison may be flawed in that the sending time for the NIO clients is considerably shorter as it only includes the time to put requests into the processing queue. There is a separate comparison conducted by the HttpClient team that shows the HttpClient outperforms NIO clients:


Stayed tuned for results of further testing from my side.


  1. hello,can you please send me the code,thx very much!My email is chao.yu@dianping.com

  2. Gr8 Article ... Could you please send me the code . My email is sivasu_99@yahoo.co.in

  3. Thanks for your information.BTW Can you sen example code ..
